Its the Brinley's.. Daniel and I were married on January 30, 2009 and it was perfect! We welcomed Dakota into our lives in April and we have loved being parents every minute. Dakota is the best baby in the whole world and we are very lucky to have him in our lives. I love being a mom and every thing it has to bring, Daniel is a great dad and works very hard for our family. I am sure lucky!!! We love to travel and always are on the go. I love daniel and dakota more than anything in the world. They are my everything! We are so excited for what the future brings..

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

32+ weeks, new car etc.....

Well I am 32 weeks and 4 days!! Almost there and I can't believe how time has flown by! We are so excited to meet Dakota we can hardly wait any longer. I know he is growing big and strong because his kicks and punches are sure getting stronger by the day. Sometimes I think he is trying to see how hard he can kick me because it will move my stomach so much and then then next one moves my stomach even more. Daniel loves to cuddle me and have his hand on my stomach and see if he will kick daddy. We get to see him again this friday and hopefully we will get a good picture because he has been a stinker everytime and covers his face each time we go in so I'm hoping to just get one picture of him.
Some updates are....
*So far I have gained 18pounds so I'm hoping to stay at about 25 so we will see how I do that way I hope I can lose the weight alittle faster after he is born.
*I have started getting heart burn everyday and I can't figure out how to get rid of it without using and medicine so I might have to get some soon.
*I still haven't bought maternity clothes but I think I will go invest in the belly bands so I don't have to buy any new pants for just 7 weeks.
* I look like I have a basketball under my shirt and Daniel always tells me to leave the Basketball at home when I am going somewhere. He thinks he is a comedian! But I sure love him!
*We have the baby room painted thanks to the sweetest husband he wanted to do it all so I wouldn't have to smell the fumes so he did it while I was gone last week to surprise me. So now we just have to put everything together. I found the cutest pictures to put on the wall that I can't wait to use...
*I'm closer to finishing the blanket but I wish a magic fairy would do it all for me:) I just can't seem to find time to do it all...
*I had my friends baby shower this weekend and they did such a great job and went above and beyond! I just loved everything I have pictures to follow.. But I have the greatest friends ever so many girls came and supported me and so if your reading this thank you so much you guys all mean so much to me!! I love all my friends so much and would do anything for you guys! I know some weren't able to make it and that is okay we know you would have if you could have... Dakota and I can't wait for you everyone to come meet him when he makes it here:)
* We sold our car and bought a family/dog car haha... We figured we would need a car big enough for the baby and our dog boz so we bought this Trailblazer I love it and I think it will fit our little family perfect! We can't wait to put the car seat in there to see how it looks! Many photos to follow soon!

1 comment:

  1. Wow the suv is so cute! Fits you perfect!I wonder if the myths are true about heart burn... lots of hair... i haven't had any and you have, so it'll be fun to see if our babies come out with some :) You look darling prego and yes silly you'll lose every pound!
