So I have wanted to be... well... more girly I guess and I have been thinking what I can do and then I go over to all of my friends cute decorated houses and I think "How the heck do you think of that" And I'm a do it yourself kind of person... So I buy all the books I can.. So my next purchase I think will be maybe Martha Stuart or some crafty magazine... Does anyone have any ideas?
I know there are alot of different places to get designs and fun things that are cheap I just don't know what is the best... There are a lot of projects from Joanns that I might check out... Here is the link if you are interested in that!
I really liked Better Homes and Gardens for decorating ideas but there are alot of magazines that you can get for free like pottery barn or ikea that you can do it yourself for 1/2 the price. There are also tons of blogs that give you step by step instructions on how to make crafts. One that I really like is Hope this helps! :)