Its the Brinley's.. Daniel and I were married on January 30, 2009 and it was perfect! We welcomed Dakota into our lives in April and we have loved being parents every minute. Dakota is the best baby in the whole world and we are very lucky to have him in our lives. I love being a mom and every thing it has to bring, Daniel is a great dad and works very hard for our family. I am sure lucky!!! We love to travel and always are on the go. I love daniel and dakota more than anything in the world. They are my everything! We are so excited for what the future brings..

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 04: Something I crave
Jamba Juice!! That is what I want all day every day I guess it's not such a bad thing to crave since it has ice, and lots of yummy fruit and you can even add vitamins!! My favorite is the Peach Pleasure without bananas plus raspberries and then I add a daily vitamin (Just in case someone wants to bring me one someday haha ;) What about you what do you crave?


  1. I'm all about the RazzMaTazz at JAmba Juice! But I crave ice cream all the time. That is my weakness. lol. It's not a very good one to have which is why I don't give in very often, but when I do... HEAVEN! lol

  2. i craved red vine licorice, oranges, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!! and of course chocolate!
